Wednesday 8 April 2020

DateField in Flutter Made Easy

What you probably did if you already have a DateField in your Flutter project is to create it from scratch! But did you know that you could use this package to simplify your life a lot?

First, as usual, just add it to your pubspec.yaml file.
   date_field: ^0.1.2

Now after a little pub get you should be able to access the package content!
First, let’s just try to display a simple DateField in our view. There are two important parameters:
  1. onDateSelected which is triggered whenever the user picks a date!
  2. selectedDate which will be the date displayed in the field, if it is null, it will display a placeholder.
So a simple implementation would give us the following:
DateTime selectedData;...Widget buid(...) {
...return DateField(
    onDateSelected: (DateTime value) {
      setState(() {
        selectedData = value;
     selectedDate: selectedData,
And the result should look like:

DateField in FlutterDateField in Flutter

Now that we saw the basis,
If you want your user to pick a date within a specified range, you should make use of the firstDate and lastDate parameters.
Example :
DateTime selectedData;...Widget buid(...) {
...return DateField(
    onDateSelected: (DateTime value) {
      setState(() {
        selectedData = value;
     firstDate: DateTime(2020, 3, 8),
     lastDate: DateTime(2020, 3, 20),
     selectedDate: selectedData,
And now when the user picks a date, the dialog will look like that:

and even more further…
Now let’s see how we can customize this DateField, for that we have three interesting parameters:
  1. decoration: which allows us to completely customize the field decoration.
  2. label: which can be used to rename the field.
  3. dateFormat: which can be used to change the way the date is shown.
Long story short, here is an example of how to combine those three parameters:
DateTime selectedData;...Widget buid(...) {
...return DateField(
    onDateSelected: (DateTime value) {
      setState(() {
        selectedData = value;
     decoration: InputDecoration(
       border: OutlineInputBorder()
     label: 'My date field',
     dateFormat: DateFormat.yMd(),
     selectedDate: selectedData,
And the result is a field in a different style:

DateField in Flutter