Friday 30 August 2019

A flutter Package to show custom alert Dialog

Fancy Flutter Alert Dialog

A flutter Package to show custom alert Dialog,you can choose between two themes 'Fancy' and 'Flat'
The package is available in fancy_dialog


Import the Package

add this dependencies to your app
dependencies: fancy_dialog: ^1.0.1

Use the Package

add this import statement
import 'package:fancy_dialog/fancy_dialog.dart';
to show a Basic Dialog
              context: context,
              builder: (BuildContext context) => FancyDialog(
                title: "Fancy Gif Dialog",
                descreption: "This is descreption for fancy gif,you can load any image or gif to be displayed :), and you can choose between two themes Fancy and Flat",
the title and descreption are required
and the rest of the parameters are :
  • okFun : the function to be called when the user press Ok button (positive button)
  • cancelFun : the function to be called when the user press cancel button (negative button)
  • cancelColor : the color of the negative button, by default it's Colors.grey
  • oklColor : the color of the positive button, by default it's
  • ok : the text of the positive button, by default it's 'OK !'
  • cancel : the text of the negative button, by default it's 'cancel'
  • animationType : The type of the animation, there are 4 types,which are :
    • FancyAnimation.LEFT_RIGHT the default one
    • FancyAnimation.RIGHT_LEFT
    • FancyAnimation.TOP_BOTTOM
    • FancyAnimation.BOTTOM_TOP
  • gifpath : the path for the image or the GIF to be displayed,or you can choose between 6 Gifs the package provides :
    • FancyGif.MOVE_FORWARD the default one
    • FancyGif.CHECK_MAIL
    • FancyGif.FUNNY_MAN
    • FancyGif.PLAY_MEDIA
    • FancyGif.SUBMIT
    • FancyGif.SHARE
  • theme : Fancy or Flat
    • FancyTheme.FANCY
    • FancyTheme.FLAT
The dialog will be dissmised by default when the user click Ok or cancel, DON'T ADD
Navigator.of(context).pop() to okFun or cancelFun


flutter package to show well designed alert dialog — Read More
Latest commit to the master branch on 8-24-2019
Download as zip