Friday, 30 August 2019

30 Aug

A flutter OAuth package for Slack with Firebase Authentication integration

flutter_slack_oauth_firebase Extension for our flutter_slack_oauth library which adds support for Firebase Authentication and Cloud Firestore. Usage To use this plugin, add flutter_slack_oauth_firebase as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. This package depends on Firebase Auth, so be sure...

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

21 Aug

Social Network with Flutter and Firebase

Flutter Social Complete mobile social media app like Twitter, Instagram or Facebook ! Using Flutter and FireStore. GitHub Amorem/FlutterSocial 81 Social Network with Flutter and Firebase â€” Read More Latest commit to the master branch on 8-21-2019 Download as zip ...
21 Aug

A library to draw fantastic charts in Flutter

FL Chart A powerful Flutter chart library, currently supporting Line Chart, Bar Chart and Pie Chart. Chart Types LINECHARTBARCHARTPIECHART Read MoreRead MoreRead More Let's get started 1 - Depend on it Add it to your package's pubspec.yaml file dependencies: fl_chart: ^0.2.0 Kotlin 2 - Install it Install...
21 Aug

A flutter calendar package to allow users to scroll through given dates either

scrolling_day_calendar A flutter calendar package to allow users to scroll through given dates either by swiping left and right or pressing the arrows. The active date is displayed as a heading and the tasks for that date are displayed underneath. This package can be used on Android and IOS How it works Pass in...
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