Friday, 2 August 2019

Conference Tracker Management app written in Flutter

Conference Tracker Management

Conference Tracker Management

This is a Flutter project for tracking conferences and generating a schedule from input. The conference has multiple tracks each of which has a morning and afternoon session. Each session contains multiple talks. Morning sessions begin at 9am and must finish by 12 noon, for lunch. Afternoon sessions begin at 1pm and must finish in time for the networking event. The networking event can start no earlier than 4:00 and no later than 5:00. No talk title has numbers in it. All talk lengths are either in minutes (not hours) or lightning (5 minutes).

Getting Started

  • You need to have the Flutter SDK installed.
  • Clone this repository on your computer with the following command:
git clone
  • Depending on the configuration you chose from the Flutter installation documentation, start a debug session and have a live preview of the app.


This project uses the rxDart package for streams.
The flutter_test package is pre-installed in Flutter for running widget tests.
  rxdart: ^0.22.0

    sdk: flutter


To run tests (widget testing precisely), run the following command (by terminal) in the root folder.
flutter test


Screenshots of the four screens of the app.

Conference Tracker Management

Conference Tracker Management

Conference Tracker Management

Conference Tracker Management


Conference Tracker Management app written in Flutter. — Read More
Latest commit to the master branch on 7-28-2019
Download as zip

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Top 10 Flutter articles you should read in August 2019

Flutter is a fairly new app development platform that has successfully gained a lot of traction among the developers in such a small span of time. Being an open-source platform, which is backed by Google, Flutter is growing at a rapid pace, with new developments getting introduced every now and then.
One has to keep updated in order to make the best utilization of such an amazing app development platform. Due to its extensive features that have been offering a lot to the developers who are looking to developing beautiful high performing apps, it has been liked and followed by all.
This keen interest has been the major reason behind boosting the community that consists of some of the finest developers to contribute, who make it a learning experience for the fellow developers.
Apart from the tutorials and other resources, one of the most important resources that can guarantee a great learning experience is the articles that are written about the subject. They not only help you keep updated but sometimes offer great insights into the subject that can enrich the learning experience.
Keeping that in mind, we have enlisted some of the best Flutter articles that you should read in the month of July, that could help you expand your knowledge of Flutter.
  • Flutter vs React Native – what to choose in 2019?
This article is a detailed comparative study of Flutter and React Native, that aims to reflect the app owner’s perspective, so as to help the reader identify which framework would suit their requirements in the best possible.
It not only covers the basics of both the Flutter and React Native, and compare them but also gives the insights from the developers and app owners.
  • From Zero to a Multiplatform Flutter Game in a week
This article sheds light on how Flutter can help the mobile developers to build a game with ease. Using the advanced UI/UX and other widgets you can overcome the limitations of native code and build a game out of Flutter.
It helps you analyze the new possibilities of building a gaming app from scratch. This article is meant for the developers who are seeking to learn new things and experiment in development to bring out the best of the results.
  • Free resources that can help you learn Flutter
This article is an extensive write-up guide, that covers the credible free resources that can help a beginner learn Flutter from the basics. From the tutorials to the source code and other resources, it has everything that could help you master the app development using Flutter for free.
This article is meant for the aspirants who are looking forward to learning Flutter app development and do not have an idea of where to find the right learning resources. 
  • Flutter for Desktop: Create and Run a Desktop Application
With the Google I/O 2019, they took Flutter beyond mobile apps as it announced the preview of Flutter Web that enables the Flutter apps to run on different desktop environments like Chrome OS, macOS, Windows, and Linux.
This article describes the process of running a new or an existing Flutter app on a Desktop Environment. It is a great learning resource for developers who are looking forward to expanding their horizon from mobile platforms to web platforms using Flutter.
  • Flutter BLoC Pattern for Dummies Like Me
This article talks about the BLoC Pattern that was introduced at Google I/O 2018. It describes the detailed process using which one can integrate BLoCs in the applications they develop.
This article is meant for developers who are looking forward to learning BLoCs Pattern and its integration with the Flutter apps in detail. It covers:
  • how to create BLoC for every screen page, 
  • how to tackle it by screen, how to enumerate the events, 
  • how to enumerate the states, 
  • how to build the BLoC, and 
  • how to use the BLoC using widgets such as BlocProvider, BlocProviderTree, BlocBuilder, and The Dispatch Function.
  • Futures, async, await: Threading in Flutter
This article discusses how Flutter apps, which are single-threaded in nature, use an event loop. It gives a tutorial for creating a Future object, handling Futures that are returned from other methods, and getting the data from a Future.
This article is meant for developers are eager to learn about Futures and how to implement threading in Flutter using event loops.
  • Announcing Flutter 1.7
This article comes up with an introduction to the Flutter 1.7, after the major announcements at Google I/O 2019. With the general availability of Flutter 1.7, you get a more polished and refined app development platform.
Features such as AndroidX support for new apps, OpenType rich typography features, Game controller support and lot more have made it, to be a part of Flutter 1.7.
  • Performance testing of Flutter apps
Performance has been one of the key features of a Flutter app. This article talks about how you can conduct performance testing of Flutter apps. It thoroughly discusses various parameters that can help you in testing the performance of the Flutter apps.
This article is meant for developers and testers who are looking forward to developing an understanding of Performance testing of Flutter apps.
  • How to save 10% of Flutter development time every day?
This article comes up with some of the best techniques to do Flutter development efficiently. It discussed CI/CD (Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery) that can be implemented in the Flutter app development lifecycle to save a lot of time and effort.
It is meant for developers who are seeking for better ways out to make their Flutter app development process faster and efficient.
  • Ins and Outs of Flutter Web
As Google, in I/O 2019 announced Flutter Web, a lot of excitement was developed around it. This article gives a detailed insight of Flutter Web, where it starts with a brief recap of Flutter, introduction to Flutter Web, installing it, and how to bring Flutter Web in practice.
It would be a good start off for the beginners who are curious to learn about Flutter Web.

On a closing note

Flutter is the future of app development, that has the power to change the app development for good. It is a futuristic decision to invest oneself in learning this revolutionary skill which has gained immense popularity in such a short span of time.

A credit card widget for Flutter

A credit card widget for Flutter

Flutter Credit Card

A Flutter package allows you to easily implement the Credit card's UI easily with the Card detection.
A credit card widget for Flutter


  1. Add dependency to pubspec.yaml
    Get the latest version in the 'Installing' tab on
    flutter_credit_card: 0.1.1
  1. Import the package
import 'package:flutter_credit_card/flutter_credit_card.dart';
  1. Adding CreditCardWidget
With required parameters
    cardNumber: cardNumber,
    expiryDate: expiryDate, 
    cardHolderName: cardHolderName,
    cvvCode: cvvCode,
    showBackView: isCvvFocused, //true when you want to show cvv(back) view
With optional parameters
    cardNumber: cardNumber,
    expiryDate: expiryDate,
    cardHolderName: cardHolderName,
    cvvCode: cvvCode,
    showBackView: isCvvFocused,
    height: 175,
    textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.yellowAccent),
    width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
    animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000),


A credit card widget for Flutter application. — Read More
Latest commit to the master branch on 7-30-2019
Download as zip

QR Code Scanner for Flutter

QR Code Scanner for Flutter

QR Code Scanner

A QR code scanner that works on both iOS and Android by natively embedding the platform view within Flutter. The integration with Flutter is seamless, much better than jumping into a native Activity or a ViewController to perform the scan.



QR Code Scanner for Flutter

QR Code Scanner for Flutter


QR Code Scanner for Flutter

QR Code Scanner for Flutter

Get Scanned QR Code

When a QR code is recognized, the text identified will be set in 'qrText'.
class _QRViewExampleState extends State<QRViewExample> {
  final GlobalKey qrKey = GlobalKey(debugLabel: 'QR');
  var qrText = "";
  QRViewController controller;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Column(
        children: <Widget>[
            flex: 5,
            child: QRView(
              key: qrKey,
              onQRViewCreated: _onQRViewCreated,
            flex: 1,
            child: Center(
              child: Text('Scan result: $qrText'),

  void _onQRViewCreated(QRViewController controller) {
    this.controller = controller;
    controller.scannedDataStream.listen((scanData) {
      setState(() {
        qrText = scanData;

  void dispose() {

iOS Integration

In order to use this plugin, add the following to your Info.plist file:

Flip Camera (Back/Front)

The default camera is the back camera.

Flash (Off/On)

By default, flash is OFF.


Pause camera stream and scanner.
Resume camera stream and scanner.


  • iOS Native embedding is written to match what is supported in the framework as of the date of publication of this package. It needs to be improved as the framework support improves.
  • In future, options will be provided for default states.
  • Finally, I welcome PR's to make it better :), thanks


QR Code Scanner for Flutter — Read More
Latest commit to the master branch on 7-29-2019
Download as zip